Rex Stout received thousands of letters from fans and answered all but perhaps the unanswerable. Here are a few.

A small selection of personal correspondence from the Stout family archives:

Links to Letters from some famous fans

To Rex Stout from friends and admirers

To Fans

Below are just a few of his responses to fan mail. If you have a letter from Rex Stout, please send a copy to the webmaster (webmaster at nero wolfe dot org).

1. Mr. Stout sent the following letter to a young Jane K. Cleland (nee Chessman), the author of the Josie Prescott mystery series and fellow Wolfe Pack Member.

letter from stout

2. Mr. Stout's response to Suzanne Epstein's letter
Epstein letter

Epstein Envelope
3. Mr. Stout's Responses to Mr. William Farley & Mrs. B. Jo Farley
B Jo Farley
Wm. Farley ltr